10000 x Thank You To 10000 Followers on Instagram
I just still can not believe that my personal watches & fashion blog CHRONONDO has just hit the mark of 10000 Instagram followers. Surely this would not be possible without any support from each of you! Thank you very very much for following my blog along and share my posts. You guys made my (Sun)DAY.
My special thanks goes to Ocean Story & Linda Rohde Photography.
As I started writing about watches, fashion and lifestyle for this blog on August 2015, I was not dreaming of gaining so much Social Media followers within just 1,5 years.
A new feature on Chronondo is coming very soon this month. I will surely keep you guys posted.
So stay tuned, because this is just the beginning.
- SAY ananas…A-N-A-N-A-S
- Thx to all 10000 Followers on Instagram